Summer’s morn
Radiant with light
Soft breezes
The sea glistens
With diamonds of blue
A golden yellow stone
Emerges from the sea
Into my palm
Cool, warm briny water
Soothes tired feet and hands
An olive colored stone emerges
With a galloping horse
Keeping them close in hand
Immersing deeper into the calm still
Blue sea under the eyes of the sky
and back again.

Copyright (C) Ingrid-Dana Larson 2014 All Rights Reserved

A ‘Flower’ Child’s Journey towards Shambhala

Kalachakra thangka painted in Sera Monastery, ...

Kalachakra thangka painted in Sera Monastery, Tibet, (private collection), (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Recently while driving home, the song Crystal Blue Persuasion by Thomas James and Shondells played on the radio, transporting me back to my youth.   As a young girl growing up in the 1970’s, these songs have always moved me spiritually.  I also felt that same connection with two other songs of this time period, Day by Day (1971) from the musical Godspell and Shambala by Three Dog Night.

Last night, I played two of these songs and that same euphoria consumed me once again.  While in reflection, I realized that as a young girl, I was fascinated by the notion of Shambhala.  Perhaps these three songs, and my reaction to them, were indicative of the path that I would walk at some point in my life.

Wikipedia states that ‘Shambhala’ or ‘Shambala’ derives from Tibetan Buddhist and Indian Buddhist traditions.  It has been written about in ancient texts that describes a mythical kingdom located somewhere in central Asia.  Shambhala has become known as Buddhist Pure Land, a kingdom whose reality is visionary or spiritual as much as it is physical or geographical.    This idea has had an influence on Western and Non-Buddhist spiritual seekers.

In Sanskrit, Sambhala, is most commonly understood to be a place of peace, tranquility and happiness.  It is a society where inhabitants are enlightened according to the Kalachakra Tantra.  There is also an inner meaning associated with the concept of Shambhala and that is in relation to one’s own mind, body and spirit.

When I began meditating at the age of thirty-three, during my spiritually transformative years, and hearing these three songs playing on the oldies station, my journey to find Shambhala or the essence of Shambhala had begun.  My spirit was guiding me to that place or space were peace, tranquility and happiness resided.

After more than eighteen years of meditating, I have had many deep spiritual experiences that I have chronicled in my journals.  During my meditations, I have touched the veiled light of Shambhala that has filled me with awe.

Is Shambhala a physical place of enlightment or is it an inner place of enlightment?  Is it a spiritual journey that you choose to travel upon or does the journey choose you?  From my experience, the journey chose me and I said, “Yes”.

Does the practice of meditation lead us to that elusive, mystical, mythical place of Shambhala?  Do we have to evolve and transcend in mind, body and spirit first in order to enter the gates of Shambhala?  I cannot give you the answers to these questions, but I can tell that my practice of meditation for over eighteen years has filled me with the most unexpected and awe-filled experiences that I have still yet to comprehend.   All I know is, my journey towards Shambhala, wherever it may be, or where it may reside, draws me forth each and every moment to fulfill my quest.  Through this journey, I have not only acquired a greater sense of well-being, but an understanding of who I am and my connection not only to the divine, but with all of creation.

I know this journey will continue to evolve and transcend with each passing year not only for myself personally, but as a practitioner within the healing arts.  To accompany me along the way, I will always have these three songs as a source inspiration and joy.

“Look over yonder, what do you see?”  (Crystal Blue Persuasion, Tommy and the Shondells, 1969)

What are your songs?   Have you begun your journey towards Shambhala?




Copyright (C) Ingrid-Dana Larson 2012 All Rights Reserved



Ingrid-Dana Larson is available for meditation seminars and retreats. Visit Eagle Breath Healing at www.eaglebreathhealing.com.

Many thanks to my Editor Jordan Weinberg



Birds sing with elation

In the crisp morn

Under the rays of sun

Spring is dawning

As I travel back

From whence I came

Walking along the briny shores

Of the Celtic lands

With staff in hand

Blessed and comforted

Whilst walking my path

With soft silent steps

For I know these lands

I have been here before

And can still feel

The rich, rustic beauty of the lands

That so comforted my soul

Watching the movements of the sea

Feeling its energies restore and refresh

My mind, body and soul

For I am one with the sea

Communing with the trees, the sun,

The moon and the stars

Whilst collecting healing herbs

And drawing sacred

Water from the seas

For I know these lands

And long to go back

Because it is where my being is most at home

And for me, Saint Patrick’s Day is a

Time when these memories always come

To greet me in the rays of the sun on

Cool, crisp morns and I know

That I am still connected and nourished by

These memories and they will always be

A part of who I am as soul continuing her

Journey whilst in the company of

Guides and spirits

And one, in particular, who walks

Alongside her and with all

With soft silent steps whispering “Peace be with you.”

Copyright © Ingrid-Dana Larson All Rights Reserved


Crystal Cave Meditation – The Realm of Merlin


Intention (Photo credit: turahbird)

Close your eyes. Begin to breathe in and out slowly and evenly without effort. With each exhalation, relax your mind and your body. Allow the rhythm of your breath to guide to that place of stillness within.

Let your breath be your ally on your journey to what it is that you seek. Your breath has the power to nourish, refresh and restore energy to your mind, body and soul.  Your breath helps you to release tension and negativity that we trap within our bodies and our minds which, in turn, leaves us feeling drained, tired, out of balance and out of harmony within our being.

Take a few moments to connect with your breath. Begin to release any tension or negativity that you may be carrying with you at this moment in time.  Let it all go with each exhalation and begin to prepare your mind and your body for meditation.  Meditation is a natural state of being even though we may think that meditation is a foreign concept. It is not.

  Release all of your thoughts and feelings of judgment from you and come into sacred tranquility and just be. A friend told me once, there is no thought required to just be.  All you need to do is ‘just be’ and stillness will happen within.

The brilliant white moon

Sits within a tree

Like a magical mystical orb

Illuminating the starless sky of the misty Celtic woodlands

As far as the eyes can see and beyond

So pristine, so white, so peaceful

And so close as if you could touch it.

Rising slowly above the trees

It rests in serene stillness

Radiating tranquility and awe

Let the energy from this magical mystical moon renew, re-energize your mind, body and soul.

As you travel with awareness, with an open heart and mind through the enchanting misty paths of the Druid woodlands, what are your intentions for beginning or continuing your meditation practice?  Is your intention to find peace, compassion, love, integration in mind, body and soul, finding harmony and balance, developing intuition or to attain enlightenment?

Whatever your intention(s) maybe send them out into the universe with each exhalation filled with love and light.

In the rays of the moon’s light, there sits a man serene and loving.  He welcomes you, the sojourner, into his abode.  As you step into his cave, the most spectacular, clear pristine crystals radiant with love and light welcome you.  He offers you a place to rest, in stillness, amongst the luminous healing rays of the crystals.

 He also wants you to know, that your intention(s) have been received and that the universe will work out the details to manifest your intention(s) for your highest good.

You have entered the crystal cave, the realm of the great healer/wizard Merlin.   Relax and ‘just be’ in this astounding place of natural wonder, light and love.  Let the healing energies of the crystals, that Merlin has offered you, envelop your being and restore harmony and balance to your mind, body and soul.

 May the gifts that you have received during this time of sacred stillness be with you always.  May you also know that you can always travel back to this wondrous place anytime you wish.  The great wizard does not mind.

When you are ready give thanks for all that you have received and to Merlin.  Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly awakening your body and coming back to this present time and space.  You may sit in quiet reverie for as long as you wish.

Copyright© Ingrid-Dana Larson 2012 All Rights Reserved

www.eaglebreathhealing.com for all the latest news, coming attractions, classes and more for 2012!

Lotus Garden Meditation: “Om Mani Padme Hum” Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus!

English: The mantra of Avalokiteshvara, OM MAN...

Image via Wikipedia

When you are ready, begin to breathe in and out noticing the gentle rise and fall of your abdomen. Let the sound of your breath begin to envelop your being in the serenity of stillness and relax.  With each breath in and out and with each gentle rise and fall of your abdomen let yourself fall deeper into the serene stillness of your being.

Notice your thoughts and your feelings but do not focus on them. You are not your thoughts.  Let your thoughts and your feelings float like petals in a gentle breeze above you.  You can retrieve your thoughts and your feelings later.

Continue to breathe in and out slowly and evenly.  Allow yourself to become still and peaceful without thought.

Begin to visualize a white stone path leading into a tranquil garden.  As you walk along the path, notice the pure splendor of color that surrounds you.  Allow this splendor of color to envelop your mind, body and soul as you continue walk whilst the rays of the sun warms your being within and without.  Be present in this moment and continue to breathe in and out slowly without effort.  Notice the gentle rise and fall of your abdomen and let your breath take you into a deeper state of stillness and peace.

Within the center of this tranquil garden, you see a fountain of marble flowing with pure crystal water that seems to become rainbow-like when illuminated by the sun.  Surrounding this fountain are smaller pools made of stone that are filled with divine colorful lotuses.  Each color symbolizes the soul’s journey towards transformation and evolution.  Red symbolizes the heart.  White symbolizes spiritual perfection and purity.  Pink symbolizes the Buddha.  Blue symbolizes wisdom.  As you gaze upon these divine lotuses, notice which color you are most drawn to.  Do not force it; let your heart choose the color it wishes you to connect with.  As you walk over to the pool admiring its enchanting beauty, begin to visualize the lotus magically growing and welcoming you to sit its center offering you a sacred place in which to just be, to breath, to connect with you and the greater source through love.  Allow the energy of the color and its symbolic meaning gift you with what you need for your journey of the mind, the body and the soul towards evolution, transformation and interconnectedness.

Once you have nestled yourself within the lotus’ center, visualize its petals folding up slightly and holding you within its sacredness.   Remember, this is only the beginning of your journey.  Do not conform to the practice of meditation for transformation and evolution; let the practice of meditation itself transform and evolve you from within.

Be still and continue to breathe in and out with gentle ease allowing your mind, your body and your soul to awaken petal by petal just like the lotus when it emerges from the darkness and into the light of a new dawn.

As you sit within tranquil sacredness, behold all that is sacred because it is sacred.  All is sacred including you.  Notice the beauty, the grace, the wonderment, the glory, the love, the joy and the compassion that your lotus is offering you.  Know that beauty, grace, wonderment, glory, love, joy and compassion are with you as your true being begins to blossom and unfold petal by petal to its true purpose in this life and Just Be………

When you are ready, give thanks to your lotus and for all that you have received during this moment in time.  Sit in quiet reverie for as long as you wish while repeating the mantra   ” Om Mani Padme Hum”   ‘Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus.’    Namaste

Copyright © Ingrid-Dana Larson 2011 All Rights Reserved    www.eaglebreathhealing.com


Gerard van Honthorst Adoration of the Shepherd...

Image via Wikipedia

In the stillness of the night

Wrapped in blankets

Nestled by the warm crackling fire

Whilst gazing upon the beauty of the night

The North Star

Radiant with reverent joy

Remembering when it witnessed

The messenger of love and light

Born into the world

Comforting the child resting within the stable

With each passing year, the child blossomed

Illuminating the hearts of all whom he touched

With his love and light

Encouraging them to walk the path of love and light

There is a gentle man

Who walks silently

Although he is not seen

His presence is known

He is a gentle man

Overflowing with divine love, wisdom and grace

He walks; he dances in the love and in the light of God

He is a gentle man

Radiant and loving

Nourishing, comforting and embracing all of God’s children with his

Everlasting love and light

He is a gentle man

Loving and true

He will always be a loving and peace-filled presence in the world

And to her because he touched her heart at thirty-three

And on Christmas Eve  in the still of night

She will sit in reverence and in joy

Remembering when the birth of love and light came into the hearts of the world and into her heart

He, Jesus, will always be her Christmas and her “Spirit of Love”

 “Love is the core. Love is the way and love is the key.”

All we have to do is walk the path of love each and every moment as Jesus did.  And all those Saints, Sages, Prophets and Messengers who followed beside him and those thereafter, found this love that Jesus spoke about. They understood this love, they knew this love and they felt this love in their hearts, in their lives and in the lives of others. They like many are keeping this love’s eternal embrace present and forever flowing like a fountain.

 Peace be you with you all.  Merry Christmas!


 Copyright © Ingrid-Dana Larson All Rights Reserved 2011



NAMASTE…….It has been a while…..She walks in silence

Garden Footbridge

Image by Lucy_Hill via Flickr

It has been a while since my last blog and I have some catching up to do.  Time has not been wasted though.  I have been spending time, when I can, nestled in a window-lit corner of my favorite coffee shop in Plymouth, MA writing a book about a true story of healing.

The story is about a young woman who became broken, lost and disintegrated in mind, body and soul.  She takes it upon herself to bring peace, healing and balance back into her life. Where this journey takes her and who she meets along the way, you will have to wait and see.  It will be nothing like you have ever read before.  Here is tease….   Namaste.

     She walks in silence….

through darkness of woods as she has been for the past seven years, trapped within herself searching and crying out for the free spirit that she once knew.  She is reliving the past over and over again never healing the wounds.  The free spirit that she knew who was integrated, whole, balanced and loving in mind, body and soul was now broken, lost and disintegrated.

     When she was here as a child, she felt connected to One who provided and nourished her being with each breath.   It was here surrounded by the mountains where she soared with the hawks, where the sun, the moon and the stars danced with her by shimmering lakes, rushing rivers and still streams, offering her tranquility.  It was here, nestled within the mountains, that she “a free spirit” became one with nature.  She climbed Mount Rattlesnake and quietly watched as doe and her fawn ate within the trees whilst the rays of sun shone down and she became one with them…..

This is only the beginning…….  Where will her journey take her?  You will have to wait and see.

Copyright © Ingrid-Dana Larson 2011 All RIGHTS RESERVED


The Bodhi tree Buddha

Image by whitecat sg via Flickr

The following poem is my testimonial of an authentic astral travel experience with spirit.

In the stillness of the morn

She was neither asleep nor awake

But in between silent slumber

She found herself walking down

A dusty dirt road in an awakened lightness

Grassy lands and water to her left

Women dressed in vibrant colorful hues dotted the landscape

Cattle strolled by her as did passersby

Never noticing her

She hears nothing

She only sees with acute vividness

She senses the sun’s heat along the dusty road.

She sees a humble place before her

People entering and exiting

Monks dressed in orange and saffron meander about

There is a tree decorated in regal homage

A monk sits in quiet reverence

She knows it is a sacred tree

People, once again, pass by her never noticing

Do they not see her?

Entering the temple in awakened lightness

A man to her right sitting in the lotus position utters to her

“How are your grandparents?”

Knowing that her grandmother has passed on she replied “fine”

The exchange between them was not spoken but she heard within her his voice.

She walked to the center of the room

And stood in wonderment at its ornate beauty

Candles flickered casting serene shadows

Smoke rose from the burning incense and encompassed her

As she stood in the midst of the temple’s room

Watching people both Indian and tourists admire its beauty

They passed by her as if she were not there

She turned slightly, her head rose and she gazed

At the most magnificent golden Buddha she had ever seen

Sitting upon an altar illuminated by flickering candle light

Colorful flowers surrounded him with homage

Standing in the midst of this simplistic wonderment comforted her

But how did she get here?

People mingled around her never taking notice of her presence

A procession of monks dressed in orange and saffron

Entered the room and walked silently passed her in reflection.

Their peace filled auras consumed her

As the last monk passed by her, he suddenly stopped and turned towards her

He is young and slender with a serene face

His eyes widen

His mouth drops open with astonishment

Their eyes lock

She is mystified as is he

She wonders why he is staring at her

He slowly turned around and followed his brothers out of the temple as she watched

She was jolted awake with a tremendous start from her slumber

To find that she was home resting in her bed and not walking the lands of India

As she had done before in silent slumber

Where had she been?

She was guided to watch a particular documentary

On India that she had never seen before

She was told that she would recognize something

To her astonishment, she saw the lands she walked,

The humble temple,

The sacred tree, the Bodhi tree

And the magnificent golden Buddha sitting upon an altar

Just as she had witnessed

How could this be?

She had never been to India and yet she had been there

Who had taken her in silent slumber to visit the land of the Buddha and why?

Why was the last monk in the procession the only one to notice

Her standing in the midst of the temple when no else did?

This journey in the stillness of the morn

Will always be shrouded in mystery

But one she will always treasure.

Copyright © Ingrid-Dana Larson 2011 All Rights Reserved



“Sound is the medicine of the future” Edgar Cayce

Eagle Breath Healing is heading towards a new horizon for 2012.  It has begun to raise its vibration. When you come to visit Eagle Breath Healing, you will find it blossoming more into sanctuary of peace, love and compassion.  Eagle Breath Healing will be integrating the power of sound more into its offerings for optimum health and wellness of the mind, body and soul.

In keeping with this new path of integrating the power of sound as a healing modality, Eagle Breath Healing was honored to host Martin Klabunde and Wingman from Collective Awakenings, Tucson, AZ one of Eagle Breath Healing’s new collaborative partners in this journey of healing awareness through sound as medicine.

On Saturday, July 30th, Martin and Wingman, acclaimed musicians, who took all of us on a Sacred Music journey that included a variety of instruments including Ugandan harp, Kalimbas, West African Drums and Tibetan Singing Bowls.  The evening ended with everyone participating in a drumming circle that moved us all emotionally, physically and spiritually leaving most in a state of astonishment.

On Sunday, July 31st, Martin and Wingman led us through a deep meditation journey called “Learning to Fly” which is similar to the Native American way of journeying.  Participants give their spirit permission to travel to any place on earth or the universe.  Martin played the didgeridoo which is an Australian instrument used by the Aboriginial peoples for at least 40,000 years.  The didgeridoo has the power to touch every cell in your physical body.  Your body literally vibrates within and that is awakening experience.  It has been said that Aborigines can heal broken bones with didgeridoo.1

Wingman played the drum which also resonated within our beings that also guided us away from ourselves (ego mind) into an altered state.  The drum is great medium for meditation because it is the heartbeat of our beings; it is heartbeat of Mother Earth.

When the 90 minute meditation concluded, everyone sat in stillness and in a state of awe trying to find an explanation for what they experienced and how they felt but could not. That, my friends, is the power and the mystery of the universe/divine that defies explanation. 

Eagle Breath Healing is honored to be collaborative partners with not only accomplished musicians but with two people whose auras radiate peace and love. They touch the hearts of all they become acquainted with.  Together, along with many others, are walking the path light and love to help raise the healing vibration in this world through the healing power of sound with love, compassion and peace in their hearts.

On behalf of Eagle Breath Healing and myself, many thanks to you Martin and Wingman for touching and gracing our lives with your healing presences.

We look forward to seeing you in the spring of 2012!

If you would like to learn more about Collective Awakenings and get to Martin and Wingman, please visit www.eaglebreathhealing.com and there you find a link to their website.




1. http://cymascope.com/cyma_research/soundhealing.html



Sitting nestled within a blanket

 By a candlelit window

On a cold March’s eve

The brilliant white moon

Sits within a tree

Like a magical mystical orb

Illuminating the starless sky

As far as the eyes can see

And beyond

So pristine

So white

So peaceful

And so close as if you could touch it

It rises slowly above the trees

And in serene stillness it rests

Radiating tranquility and awe

How long will it be before the

Magical, mystical moon

Graces the night with its presence…..

 Copyright © Ingrid-Dana Larson 2011 All Rights Reserved

Come and experience peace through the path of guided meditations with Ingrid at Eagle Breath Healing.  We invite you to visit us at www.eaglebreathhealing.com.  New workshops and classes coming this fall.  Ask us about Ingrid’s brand new guided meditation CD  Journey into Sacredness.